Patrick Moore: A Peek Behind The Curtain
With over 15 years of experience travelling, documenting subculture and capturing portraits - Pat provides a glimpse into moments and experiences that are conventionally hidden from plain sight. Join us on May 25th at Blood Brothers Brewing to see a gallery of his work and head to our blog below to learn a bit more about him.

Tell us a bit about yourself, What do you do, what do you ride and what do you shoot with?
I'm Patrick Moore. I work as a VFX artist and have been for almost 20 years now. Currently for an advertising agency. I've been shooting portraits and documenting subculture for 15+ plus years but I picked up a camera for the first time nearly 25 years ago on a family trip to England. Currently using a Leica M4-P for film and a Canon 5D markIV for digital. I ride a 2007 Harley Davidson Dyna Super Glide Custom.

How did you get into riding?
I had a few friends get into it and I wasn't exactly into the idea. I just didn't think I could do it. But then I started documenting Motorcycle culture and shot with a club in California and I figured I should start riding to better understand what I was shooting. So after about 3 years of shooting it I finally decided to get a bike of my own, Dan from indestructible did around the same time and we would ride together all the time.

Do you have a favourite style of bike?
My fav style to ride and fav style to shoot are different. I like riding my dyna and seeing the way people customize these types of bikes. FXRs and Baggers too. I prefer to take photos of old choppers, specifically panheads done in a 60s frisco style. Always thoughtful builds done for this era without too much flair. Clean simple and nothing you don't need. Seeing an outrageous front end or huge sissy bar can look cool its just not what I like to photograph.

What makes motorcycle culture and the community surrounding it so special?
Like any "scene" there are going to be pros and cons and people that don't get it but I will say any one who rides a motorcycle has a common bond of understanding. Only riders know what its like. Even if we don't enjoy every type of bike out there, all riders know that feeling of freedom that only a bike can produce. I've made a lot of new friends the last few years just because we own bikes. It becomes an instant common bond. Besides that when you meet a group of riders with the same type of bike they'll always help out and answer questions if they can which has always been awesome.

What's a standout memory from a ride or trip?
One October I was in worcester with some pals riding to see a friends new house in the sticks. I was on a borrowed sportster. It was near dark and we had almost made it to our friends place when we took a turn onto an old road right before we got to his driveway and the HUGEST harvest moon I had ever seen was lighting up the street fully orange. I couldn't believe it. I had wished I was able to document it but I didn't have my camera ready and honestly I wouldn't have been able to capture it but I hold on to that memory forever and love riding down there.
I love riding any time with a bunch of pals in the city at night honestly though.

What's your approach to shooting bikes and the culture?
I just shoot what I like the best I can. I document the details I think are noteworthy or the scenes that look the best as a whole. Shooting old bikes without things in the background to make you realize the photo was shot in the last 20 years is what I always try to do. I shoot old bikes on film like they would have in the 60s / 70s / 80s. Helps the photos of the bike look timeless in a way. I also try and capture portraits when I meet people that don't mind or would like to be immortalized in a photo with the machine they built or the one they are riding. I figured it out over time that almost everyone is gonna say yes to a photo with their bike. Every rider has a sense of pride over their bike and I'm happy to snap a shot they can always remember.

If you could say one thing to the community and culture what would it be?
If you haven't crashed yet, you will.